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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lindsay deal huge amount for nude photo

According to a report in the UK's newspaper, Madonna's 1992 book 'Sex,' the 'Mean Girls' star is planning to strip down to the altogether in a series of explicit nude photos. then Lindsay Lohan has inked a deal worth almost 3,400,000 dollars to produce a sexually explicit book with controversial photographer Terry Richardson.

Instead of using Vanilla Ice as her sexual muse, Lohan has reportedly enlisted former fling James Franco to get naked with her.

While in this case, Lohan seems to have marginally better taste in men than Madonna, the book will hardly cover new ground.

"There will be a lot of nakedness–some of it graphic and suggestive–but it will be a real statement book. Obviously, there will be comparisons to Madonna's book. But James and Lindsay believe theirs will be classier.

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