Sanjay Dutt is in the news for misunderstanding as the bollywood actor is said to be involved in a kidnap case of Manyata’s first son Mustafa. Manyata Dutt’s real life name is Dilnasheen and she married a guy named sheikh and had a son named Mustafa with him. She had a passion to become an actress and so deserted her family, her husband and her son and entered film industry as an item dancer. She soon caught the eyes of Sanju baba and so after cupid struck both of them; they married in the year 2008.
Recently, Sanjay and Manyata confessed before the media that they are going to become parents and Manyata was delighted to say that she was giving birth to twins. As soon as this report reached the ears of her former husband Sheikh, he countered with a legal petition that Manyata did not divorce him legally and was still his wife.
Moreover, Sheikh now alters his previous statement that he was pressurized by Sanjay Dutt’s underworld friends for saying that Manyata was a divorced lady. He alleged that Sanjay made his son Mustafa kidnap by an underworld gang and so Sheikh was pressured to disclose that he divorced Manyata in early 2008.
Recently, Sanjay and Manyata confessed before the media that they are going to become parents and Manyata was delighted to say that she was giving birth to twins. As soon as this report reached the ears of her former husband Sheikh, he countered with a legal petition that Manyata did not divorce him legally and was still his wife.
Moreover, Sheikh now alters his previous statement that he was pressurized by Sanjay Dutt’s underworld friends for saying that Manyata was a divorced lady. He alleged that Sanjay made his son Mustafa kidnap by an underworld gang and so Sheikh was pressured to disclose that he divorced Manyata in early 2008.
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