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Friday, April 23, 2010

Tips to help a website grow

There are numerous websites present in the internet which provides us information about several aspects, but among the numerous sites, there are only a few sites which can be termed as successful and popular. There are several key aspects to a successful site.

The most noticeable feature of a successful site is that it is been updated at a regular basis. Some of the features of a popular site are been updated on a daily and weekly basis like updating the site with the latest related happening, checking the email links etc, while some other features of the site are been updated on monthly and annual basis like checking search engine rankings, creating backups of the site etc.

Another aspect which is to be taken note of is promotion of the site. Proper advertising of the site is sure to make the site popular. Also the site can be registered with site directories and search engines. This will maximize the visibility of the site.

Also sound analysis of the site is also required for proper maintenance of the site. Some of the common attributes which must be analysis are the unique visitors, new visit0rs, browsers used, entry pages, exit pages, no of page views etc.

These are some of the few tips for a successful website. These tips may help a site grow, but it does not guarantee that this will surely make a site popular. There are many more aspects to be looked into to make a site grow.

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