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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sanjay Puran Mooves for Historical Films

The success of cross-border sports film `LAHORE`, debutant director Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan is working on two magnum opus projects, including a sci-fi film.

"I am working on two projects now - a sci-fi and a historical. I`ll start with the sci-fi film by the end of the year and I am keeping all of it very confidential. I am not going to tell even my actors about it this time," Chauhan told reporters.

"Right now we are working on the story and once everything is finalised, we will zero in on the cast, etc," he added.

Chauhan`s "Lahore" has also been sought by US studio Hollywood Gang for a remake, making it the first Indian film to be remade there.

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