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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Help grow your site via Web Directories

In the techno world of today, internet has become the order of the day. All most every thing from sending mails to watching movies, shopping to studies, playing games to booking tickets and much more can be done on the net. But it is not an easy task to know the exact links of the net. This task of getting the links of your need has been made easy by the Web Directories.

A web directory is different from the search engine as it does not display lists of web pages based on keywords. It lists web sites on basis of category and subcategory. There are several types of web directories found in the net. Some offer free submission of sites where if you own a site, you can submit it. Apart from this there are other types of directories like ones which allow you to put your site in the directory but in return, you have to put a resiprocal link in your site. There are also some paid directories, where one has to pay money to get their sites registered with the directory.

Sites are of numerous nature like business sites, entertainment sites, science and technology sites, educational sites, gaming sites etc. A good web directory should be such that the links to these sites have been properly catogarized. Easy access to the links is also an issue to look for while looking for a good web directory. The SEO friendly web directory has an added advantage as they are easy to be located and have a wider range.

DMOZ is one of the most popular web directory which is popular among many net users. Similarly, Yahoo directory is also well-known among many for the wide range of links it possesses. Apart from this there are several other directories which are really helpful and are used from people from round the world.

So, if you possess a site and want to make it a popular one, you may register it with the good web directories which are sure to benefit your site.

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Web Directories

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