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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jordan admits ‘crisis point’ in front of mum

Jordan has apparently confessed to her mother that she has reached a crisis point in her life and that much of it was her own doing.

The glamour model, who is presently locked in a bitter divorce battle with estranged husband Peter Andre, reportedly held a "crisis summit" with mum Amy Price and stepdad Paul, who reportedly gave her a final warning to get her act together.

The 31-year-old, who was snapped frolicking with her alleged new boyfriend and flashing her underwear during her recent break in Ibiza, for the first time took responsibility of her behaviour in the crunch talks, admitting she had been unfair to Peter.

"I`m still so angry with what he`s done and I`m not going to take back what I`ve said about him. But I do understand now that this is hard on him too,” the News of the World quoted her as saying.

"I have been trying to shove things in his face and make him feel jealous and I`m going to try to stop that. I want people to look at me as a good mum for my kids but I`ve been having the biggest crisis of my personal life ever, so it`s been hard,” she added.

Jordan purportedly received a tongue lash from her mother for involving herself into mass booze benders and putting herself in risk of losing her kids’ custody while Peter was snapped looking like the doting father.

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