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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Preity Zinta will see in VIDESH

We bumped into Preity Zinta recently at a filmy do and what made us smile was Preity’s ever feisty attitude. “Who was that man who kept pushing me while I was taking the stairs? If I get to know who he is, I’d slap him”, said Preity flashing those dimples as soon as she made a grand entry at the event.

Anyways the interesting piece of info which she gave us was her film’s new name. She told us, “‘Heaven on earth’ will now be known as Videsh." Apparently the title has been changed so that the Indian audiences can identify the film and its protagonist who faces domestic violence when away from the country.

Now considering Preity’s ‘Videshi’ accent even while she speaks Hindi and her liking for Videshi brands, this seems the perfect name!

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