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Monday, December 15, 2008

Jiah as a medical student in Ghajini

The new 'HOT' babe of Bollywood is on cloud nine at the moment, after having worked with Amitabh Bachchan in her first film and with the 'Perfectionist' Aamir Khan in her second.She play as a medical student in GHAJINI, But what makes her special is the fact that she's also the smartest actress and comes across as the pluckiest with a dry wit to match. Bold, confident and raring to go, she is one Khan who stands out from the rest of the Khans in the industry. In one of the longest interviews that she has ever given,

Jiah emotion against Mumabi Terror attach...

I feel sad that we call ourselves civilians and yet we can't be civil to each other. Religion is turning out to be a huge hurdle now and what has been considered to be so personal and sacred is now being used to destroy humanity in the name of religion. All this is really disturbing and I hope it comes to an end someday, "Jiah said"

Comparision between Amitabh and Amir....
They both are very experienced as we all know. And when you work with such an experienced bunch of actors, you tend to perform much better and get your work finished much faster. As individuals they're extremely different. The way they communicate with their co-actors is also very different. I got to learn a lot from both of them and it feels as if I am ten films old now

Was filming for Ghajini an uphill climb ?
There was a lot of pressure because when you are performing with Aamir Khan or Amitabh Bachchan. For instance, you cannot give many retakes. At the back of your head you know that if you don't get it right quickly, you'll tire them out and you don't want to be doing that. But to your surprise and mine, the crew started calling me a 'one-take actress'. There were some extremely intense scenes where it was so draining and that's when Aamir lend me a helping hand

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