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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jeejuh Production - a perfect music platform

Are you a music Lover? If yes you would love this one. Jeejuh Production is a perfect music platform where one can find highest quality beats. These beats are composed by Elliot Waite and Mike Lightner.

The Beats come in two packs which are the gold pack which costs about $19.95 and the platinum pack which costs about $ 99.95. The gold pack comes in the MP3 Format and the Platinum pack comes in high quality WAV format. The beats are been updated on a regular basis.

There are also exclusive Jeejuh forum where interested guys can post their own compositions and their feedback. One of the most popular being the rap forum.

The instrumentals are of an average length of 3 min 35 sec to 5min 40 sec and the speed of the beats vary from 60 beats per minutes to 110 beats per minutes. One can add voice to the beats and make his own compositions.

As I mentioned that the rap forums can be too interesting for the guys, where can find the latest text battle comments and feedback.

For more information you can visit the Jeejuh productions website.

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Jeejuh Production

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