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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pooja Bedi turns Anchor with Actress

Pooja Bedi is enjoying her stint anchoring Big Boss’s Aakhri Salaam. In the past few years Pooja has been concentrating on her career on TV, while her film career takes a back seat. Though the woman is required to shoot only on Saturday for the show, she drives down all the way to Amby Valley on Friday evening. “I make my own questions and that requires a lot of research. So I’m there to view the week’s episodes and get ready for a grilling session.”

She lost interest in pursuing a career in films in 1994. She realized that she cant go high level in film industry. After marriage, kids and divorce she started writing and anchoring.Very few people know that Pooja was offered to be the contestant of Big Boss but she declined. Anybody else in her position would’ve grabbed the opportunity with both hands. “I can’t see myself being locked inside a house for so many days. The idea of being confined to four walls is killing.

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