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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Shamita will Join new session of BIG BROTHER

Shamita seems to be following the same way as her sister Shilpa. It started with joining the Bollywood brigade just after Shilpa had reached a comfortable zone in her career. And then there we heard that after Shilpa won Big Brother and added a feather to her cap, it was Shamita who would go into the Big Brother house in the new season; ofcourse, at dear sister Shipla’s behest.

But Shamita rubbished all of it as rumours saying, “I was actually abroad when this news came out. I read it on the net and it was quite entertaining. Sometimes you get to know a lot about your life in the news when things are not even happening. It was untrue. There was no question of Shilpa trying to put me in Big Brother. She knows I would never do something like this.”

However, Shamita is a big fan of Bigg Boss and Big Brother. “Bigg Boss and Big Brother are very entertaining shows. This time I am travelling a lot. So I did not get to see much of Bigg Boss. But whatever little I managed to find out from the net, I think it is interesting to see different aspects of human nature. When strangers are put together in a house for so long, what comes out of it is very entertaining. I don’t know how people do it. I won’t be able to do it. It is very scary.”

So what does Shamita feel about her sister anchoring Bigg Boss? “I think Shilpa is doing a very good job anchoring the show. I saw the introduction episode and Shilpa was fantastic. I was very surprised seeing her anchoring the show with such ease and so well. She was very confident and very good.”

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