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Friday, September 12, 2008

Poor Opening of HIJACK

The critical success of Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi gave a new life to the actor who was destined to make it big. But unfortunately, Shiney Ahuja’s options became limited.The poor opening of his film Hijack might not have shaken Shiney but the actor is a tad disappointed. “I know the flaws in the film but I’d rather let bygones be bygones.” The actor says that we need great scripts that give the actors ample chance to prove themselves.
“After Gangster and Hazaaron... show me one film that gave me that kind of an author backed role. Has anyone ever said that Shiney was bad in a film? If I don’t get a chance or a film that will extract the best out of me, I go waste in a film. I think Hijack was a good script but not well executed.”

Shiney Ahuja awaits that one role that will take his career to another level. Naseeruddin Shah or a Pankaj Kapoor might not be the “stars” but they are what I call real talent. That’s the category I always wanted to be in,” says Shiney.

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