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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Goodluck Movie Review in Short

GOODLUCK movie is directed by Aditya Datt, Producer Karan Jhohar and music by Anu Malik. Aditya’s Last success movie Aashiq Banaya Aapne before this. And learnt from mistakes made then. But may be Aditya Datt has something profitable in making a bad movie. Only that could be an explanation for what he has done with this movie. Good Luck shows he has not only 'not' learnt from previous mistakes, but is also moving from bad to worse.

For all who do not know yet, Good Luck is a copy of the English flick Just My Luck released in 2006. But you got to give this credit to the writer and the director - they did change the screenplay quite a bit. And how you wish they would have 'not' done that! Perhaps it would have been watchable if they had stuck to a scene by scene rip off. And as it stands now, it's downright derogatory for the original if we call Good Luck a copy.

Good Luck, well, stresses on the importance of good luck. No amount of hard work can get you success. Even a successful career is devastated when the charm leaves a person. Vicky (Aryaman) is a struggling singer, who never has anything going right, till one day when he kisses this lucky girl and suddenly gets lucky and becomes a star. And the girl gets his share of bad luck and loses her job and house.

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